Russian Speakers

To Russia with Love: 4 Tips to Switch your accent from Russian to English

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Mastering English as a Russian native speaker is no small task. Not only is there a different alphabet to deal with, but the variation in the sounds required between two languages is like the difference between a tea bag and samovar.

As a Russian native speaker you may have obtained a proficient command of English grammar and vocabulary. Perhaps your written English skills are great, but you feel very aware of your accented speech. It is normal for a Russian native speaker to struggle to shift the weight of their accent to a purely English one.  This is because English and Russian operate under completely different sound systems.

Here are a few tips to consider in refining your English accent.

1. Listen for difference

The first step to adjusting your accent is to listen for the differences between Russian and your target language. Although Russian and English have a similar number of consonant sounds, they do not really overlap. Be careful! Many sounds of Russian are produced typically with more pressure and force than the sounds of English. For example, the Russian r sound is registered very differently from the English r. In fact, the International Phonetic Alphabet transcribes the Russian r with a completely different character  from the English r. The same is true for many other consonant sounds.

THE FIX: Make sure the following sounds are distinct.

  • for two and for do
  • for wait and for van
  • for jaw  and ch for chore 
  • ch for change and sh for shut
  • th for though and for dough
  • th for birthday and for bursar  (N.B. Take care not to sing “birsssday” for “birthday”)

Don’t use the previous sounds interchangeably or it will impact on the meaning and intelligibility of your message. Record yourself saying words with sounds you know to be difficult. Listen and compare and smooth out any differences in your pronunciation production.

2. Rrrrrrrrrrrr to R

One of the major indicators of Russian accented English is an extended r. This will break the flow and line of any English phrase as it makes the r sound continue for longer than required.

THE FIX: Try to reduce the pressure on the sound r. The English is produced at lower pressure for a shorter time duration. Try to say the following words with less pressure and duration on the r;

  • race
  • right
  • rich
  • radiation
  • Rosemary
  • arrange
  • carry
  • rancid

3. Hhhhhhhh to H

The same can be said of the sound h. The English “h” is often referred to as a silent h. In contrast, the Russian is marked by higher amounts of air pressure and turbulence. It also is produced further back in the mouth.

THE FIX: Listen for how English native speakers produce various words starting with h. Place the sound  further to the front of your mouth, as though it comes from just behind your front teeth. Try to say the following words with less air pressure;

  • have
  • had
  • hiccup
  • horrible
  • haven’t
  • how
  • Hastings
  • Hydration

Record yourself and compare how you sound with a native speaker. Maybe you can ask a friend to read the words for you. Try to mimic their production and think about why you may sound different.

4.  Drill those English Consonants

Ensure that you are producing these 5 English consonants accurately: TH, CH, DZ, R, W, ZH, NG. You can easily access many YouTube pronunciation videos on how to do so! Try training yourself, step by step, starting with short words and moving into longer, more complex words and phrases.

5. Russian Vowels

Russian has a total of 6 vowels. Australian English, in comparison has up to 21 vowels. Do the maths! That is a total of at least 15 sounds that may not be present in your sound system! Russian vowels are typically similar to some English short vowels so it is often easy to use your Russian vowels where you need to apply a specific English vowel. This makes local listeners hear “bat” instead of “bait” or “sit” instead of “seat”.

THE FIX: Listen carefully to the vowels of native speakers. Record yourself reading short paragraphs from newspaper articles. Do you sound like a native? Listen for the vowels that need to be longer and try to stretch out your vowels and lengthen them where you need to.

Accent neutralization takes considerable effort. Many non-native speakers may still retain a hefty accent even after years of expat life in an English speaking country. Sure, an accent is often a completely wonderful thing to have as it can set you apart and gives you that extra string in your bow since everyone can tell you are multi-lingual. However, at times, accent can hamper the effectiveness of your message. With time and careful practice however, you can neutralise your accent to smooth out its intensity and thus increase your speaking clarity. Don’t give up. Work on your weaknesses and practice daily to improve your English proficiency.

Some non-native speakers choose to consult a Speech Pathologist for accent reduction /modification therapy.

We treat from Melbourne to Berlin, Capetown, Saigon, London, New York, Tel Aviv… anywhere you are based. Sessions are available face-to-face in our Melbourne Clinic or if you are worldwide Skype based services also can be tailored according to the accent you require for your region, career or academic purpose.

For further information on accent modification and reduction programs please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Geiger Speech Pathology.

Words: Sarah Lobegeiger (MA Speech Pathology, MA Opera, BMus, BAEng, TESOL cert IV)